Why use retensionable frames
“Retensionable screen frames are probably the single most important advancement for textile printers. They have made it possible to control the printing of inks of extremely high viscosity, to print highly viscous inks with high mesh counts and to print extremely complex designs at profitable production speeds.” (Mike Ukena, Advanced Textile Printing Reaches the Pinnacle, SGIA Journal 2nd Quarter 2004)
Retensionable frames have the ability to add tension to the mesh that is attached. Once mesh is attached it can be tightened at the will of the user. Retensionable frames have the ability to add tension to the mesh fabric after each printing cycle. The ability to tighten, use, and repeat has the benefit of stretching the mesh threads to a point that they stabilize or “work harden”, and will hold higher tension for extended printing. Higher tensions help the printer to reach the goal of having the surface of the screen be parallel to the substrate.
Higher tensions achieved by using retensionable frames reduce ink consumption, reduce emulsion consumption, increase overall production speed, increase resolution, decrease exposure time, increase squeegee life, and dramatically increases screen-fabric life. With these frames, the “active lifetime” of the mesh is increased greatly over the stretch and glue screen.
Retensionable frames have excellent multi-color registration control. They allow for an even distribution of tension across an entire surface. This results in less image distortion. They provide a better consistency from the beginning to the end of the print run.
Using retensionable frames cost more initially but earn you more money in the long run. Using retensionable frames will lead your business to higher profits, quicker print speed, superior quality, faster growth, and fewer problems. A retensionable frame that is not abused should last the life of a company.